What life teaches us
19 May 2020
7 January 2021
What life teaches us
19 May 2020
7 January 2021


Two Indian Sisters of our Religious Family, last July, have been affected by COVID-19. After being healed, they shared their experience by writing us a letter.

Dearest Mother Ottavina, all dear Sisters and our dear friends, we wish to express our gratitude to you for your sincere prayers that have accompanied us in the moments of our fight against the coronavirus. In reality, your prayers made us strong and we healed very quickly. When we learned that the Covid test result was positive, we couldn't sleep. The thought of carrying such a dangerous virus into our body left us very restless. We have both been hospitalized for the first time in our life. In reality it was not a hospital but a school that housed Covid patients; so we never felt in hospital but in a reception center for Covid patients. At first it was very difficult to accept the situation, mainly because we lived in an environment with more than 150 patients like us, and we were the only nuns who lined up for food like refugees. Everything became normal after two / three days. We have formed a prayer group in our sector with almost 20 people and we prayed together, it will be, keeping your distance. There were people of all ages, from children of 6 months to grandparents of 80 years in our center. To tell the truth, medici, nurses and volunteers, everyone had a lot of regard for us. Dear, your closeness through prayer and encouraging words has strengthened us in these days. We have experienced the love and attention of our religious family and our friends. We would like to share a particular event. When we were in the hospital, one day, almost at 11 at night, we received a call from our Sisters and children of Suchness Kum (it is a house in Kenya where there is a community of ours that takes care of orphaned children with AIDS). The promise of children still echoes in our ears, came through the phone: “Sisters, we are praying for you. God will heal you. Do not worry". We were so touched and we felt that God was speaking through innocent children and we thought that God would work a miracle in our life through Father Antonio Pagani. After 13 days, we were re-tested and the result was negative. The health inspector said that, in our area people have a high immune power because we eat a lot of fish and the climate near the sea also helps to cure quickly. But we believe that THE PRAYER we have received in these days has healed us. All the sisters from all parts of the world - Italy, India, Brazil, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda - they interceded for us through our Ven. Antonio Pagani. The members of the lay fraternity, our families, friends and our parishioners… many prayed for our speedy recovery. Our words are not enough to express our gratitude, then we take those of the psalmist: “I will thank you, Lord with all my heart. I will tell about all your wonderful deeds" (Salmo 9,1). What we will offer in return? The only thing we can offer is our sincere prayer. We do it with joy and love. When we left the Covid center, a still positive elder told us he was happy that we were going home because we belong to God and work for them. So I take his words to wish each of us to be people of God to bring his love to his people wherever we are. We've finished quarantine and we're fine. We pray continuously for all those who are suffering from the virus. Thank you very much and God bless each of you.

- Con affetto e preghiera Suor Maria e Suor Merlin - INDIA (6 August 2020) -